Archives For Labs

Secure messaging client Bleep now allows for asynchronous chat.

Communicating privately with your friends, coworkers and family isn’t easy as you may think. While sending a “private” message may seem secure, the reality is that message still lives on a server somewhere, remaining vulnerable to third-party infiltration. In the past year alone, we have seen incidents of private photos and corporate emails being hacked and made public. This happens only because there is a honeypot, data stored in the cloud.
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There are two central components in any secure communication: authentication and confidentiality. Authentication is the ability to be certain that the other end of a conversation is who you expect it to be. Confidentiality is your ability to communicate without an eavesdropper discerning what you are saying. In Bleep, we’ve also taken steps to obfuscate that you are talking to somebody, by not having a central repository of all metadata.
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How Does Bleep Work?

Farid Fadaie —  September 17, 2014 — 24 Comments

We unveiled Bleep a few weeks ago, and we have received nothing but love from our users. We’ve also had many great questions that we will be gradually answering in blog posts, our forums and other social channels. And today we’ve taken a step further, bringing Bleep to Open Alpha and adding clients for Mac and Android. There’s more to Bleep than we can fit in a single blog post, but here’s an overview of the big picture, including some high level technical details and answers to some of the questions around how Bleep works.

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